Exploring Philosophies

As we continue to study and learn more from the Mysore Sanskrit scholars we start to see just how vast Indian philosophy is! It is a huge pandoras box with so much to learn and understand. It calls into question all belief structures and looks at them from different perspectives. Yoga is only one philosophy of many. As we try to explore the worldview of Sri Krishnamacharyas particular tradition we are having such a delightful time and learning how many drastically different worldviews have coexisted in India since ancient times and how those views are still debated today. Here are some basic thoughts as we explore the differences between Advaita Dvaita and Vishishtadvaita. These three different fundamental views of life work their way into commentaries on all the major scriptures. The commentaries are different depending on the philosophical background of the author. Understanding these different ideas can help us understand some of the apparently contradicting ideas.