Traditional Thai Massage Online Course

Dive into an ancient and powerful healing discipline that is a perfect complement to yoga!

You will learn the four positions of Traditional Thai Massage with each technique carefully explained.

You will learn a collection of Thai Massage techniques that Andrew Eppler has perfected over the last 30 years as he has travelled the world studying in Thailand and many other countries in his search for healing knowledge. These are the techniques he uses most often and that he has found to be most effective when working with yoga practitioners. This course is geared for yoga practitioners who would like to further their knowledge of body mechanics, adjustments in yoga postures and how to help best when difficulties arise in yoga practice. After completing this course you will have a firm foundation in Thai Massage.

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  • Permanent access to the training videos

  • Clear, step by step instruction

  • Safety precautions and contraindications carefully explained

  • Learn all four positions of Traditional Thai Massage

  • Learn about the correct use of body mechanics in Thai Massage

  • Explore a healing modality that is closely connected to yoga and ideal for yoga practitioners

  • Effective and easy to learn techniques that can be used immediately

Cost: $89.95