Sri U. Ve. M. A. Lakshmithathacharya Swami
The brilliance of Indian philosophy shined through him
Swami dedicated his life to the preservation of ancient ancient Indian Knowledge Systems and the preservation of manuscripts. He built an institution, conducted countless research projects and made huge contributions to his community.
Early years
Swami’s initial education was at the feet of his revered Father who instilled in him the necessary strength of character, discipline and perseverance which were to stand him in good stead later. Swami grew up in an ambience full of scholarship, piety and self-discipline. Very often he had to strike a balance between the conflicting demands of the various delights of childhood play and exploration on the one hand and the responsibilities of the traditions to which he was heir to, on the other.
At a very early age, Swami displayed intense curiosity. He often felt that he had to probe deeper and find out how things worked and why things were the way they were. As a young boy, he was once scolded by his Father for dismantling a brand new ‘channapatna wooden toy’ gifted to him in order to find out what lay inside while his sibling was praised for preserving the other toy given to him. This powerful curiosity and desire to learn were to shape Swami’s life and works.
Aksharaabhyaasa at the lotus feet of his Father at Melkote
In his 6th Year, joined the Govt. Boys Primary School at Melkote.
Secured double promotion and joined Govt. Boys School at Malleswaram in his 10th Year.
Swami secured 1st Prize in essay writing.
Tutored at home by Krishna Murthy, an excellent Mathematics Teacher.
Swami passed his B.A. from Mysore University with Sanskrit and Philosophy as Majors securing 8th Rank [ Alankaara Vidwat Madhyama ].
He passed M.A.(Sanskrit) from Madras University in first class first rank securing two Gold Medals. He earned the qualification of Navya Nyaaya Vidwan in first class first rank winning the President of India’s Gold Medal.
Raashtra Bhaasha Pravina in Hindi.
Language Certificate Course in German.
After completing all studies, Swami turned to his first love - Teaching. His career took the following course:
Lecturer in Sanskrit, Govt. College Chitradurga for 4 years.
Assistant Professor of Sanskrit, Post Graduate Dept. of Sanskrit Bangalore University, Bangalore for 10 years.
Founder Joint Secretary of the Academy of Sanskrit Research, Melkote for 10 years and as Director of the same Institution for a further period of 14 years.
Swami was also on the Board of Studies & Examiners of several Universities.
He continued to serve the teaching profession as a guide to students of Sanskrit & Shastras at M.A., M.Phil. and Doctorate levels. He was the Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla and Senior Advisor of the National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore.
Swami called himself a ‘neo-traditionalist’. It is apt because while he was firmly rooted in tradition, he was also open to new ideas and modern technology if they had the potential to help his cause. His life’s mission can be summed up as follows:
To uphold and propagate the ideals and values of Ubhaya Vedanta & Visishtadvaita.
To develop and popularize Sanskrit and to show its practical relevance to modern life.
To bridge the gap between the ‘past’ and the ‘future’ through the ‘present’.
To maintain the ‘Acharya Purusha Parampara’ and to minister to the spiritual needs of Shisyas, Abhimanis and others who seek his help.
Swami rendered great and memorable service to the cause of Ubhaya Vedanta, Vishistadvaita and Sanskrit as Head of this Institution for over 25 years. He organized many Seminars, Workshops, Vidwat Goshtis, Courses, directed research, and published numerous books and papers connected with his main fields of interest which were broad and diverse. During this time, he pursued his secondary interests too and achieved both fame and success in generating awareness of our ancient eco-friendly practices and how they could help us lead better lives today.
In 1977, Sri U.Ve. Prof. M.A. Lakshmithathacharya Swami was able to persuade the Govt. of Karnataka to commission an Academy for Sanskrit Research at Melkote. The Govt. gave him 15 acres of utterly barren and rocky wasteland with no assurance of any financial or other support. Swami was left to his own devices thereafter. It was the first step in Swami’s dream of fulfilling one out of two solemn wishes revealed to him by his revered Father. It was an impossible dream by any reckoning. Swami resigned his job as Professor and met the challenge head on.
With ingenuity, innovative techniques and sheer hard work, Swami transformed that desolate landscape. He arranged for the transportation of vast amounts of soil, water, and other materials to the site. Swami selected flora and fauna as given in the ‘Sthala Purana’ for planting. Then he adopted the ancient ‘rishi-krishi-paddati’ letting nature work freely. Soon, the place that once looked like a lunar landscape now resembled the well-tended garden of a forest hermitage with over 300 species of plants growing vigorously in mixed wilderness. In effect, Swami reenacted at Melkote what his illustrious ancestor Saint Anathaacharya did at Tirumalai a millennium ago.
Swami found no time for himself or his family. He had to simultaneously run around to collect funds, which always lagged behind the demands. Swami had to use his considerable reputation, inter-personal skills and energy to convince skeptics, motivate the indifferent/undecided, allay the fears of the suspicious, and even defend his purpose before the hostile. The hours spent, the energy expended and the sacrifices made by Swami personally to raise funds for the Academy are incalculable and beyond the call of duty. The success of the Academy bears witness to Swami’s selfless efforts.
During over 25 years of service Swami built the Academy from scratch - and nurtured it from an unknown entity until it became a dynamic institution of national and international repute.
Swami had a clear vision of the Academy’s purpose and goal
Academy of Sanskrit Research became a thriving institution for the development and propagation of Sanskrit which was known throughout the world.
The Academy did extensive research on Ubhaya Vedanta and Visishtadvaita in greater depth than ever before and made their research available to the world.
Swami had a great passion for unlocking ancient knowledge systems in ancient Sanskrit texts and to extract practical applications of benefit to all humanity in modern times.
accomplishments of the Academy of Sanskrit Research under
Sri MA Lakshmithathacharya swami
1. An Administrative Office, Store, Library, Conference Hall and Hostel were built blending the architecture with the natural garden all around. Care was taken that construction would not disturb the natural ecology. Swami restored 8 kalyanis/unlined ponds within the Campus and landscaped to facilitate natural water management.
2. Scholars were recruited, trained and assigned research work. An in house printing press was installed. Swami was quick to recognize the relevance of modern technology as a useful tool in his mission. The Academy was fully computerized. A state of the art computer based desktop publishing system was set up.
3. The Library acquired over 23,000 titles. A collection of over 10,000 works in palm-leaf and paper was catalogued with important ones microfilmed. Considerable expertise was developed in manuscript preservation techniques. Swami’s reputation motivated some people to part with ancient manuscripts held as family heirlooms. In most cases, Swami spent a lot of time, energy and expenditure in tracking down and collecting rare and precious manuscripts.
4. Several major projects pertaining to Indian Philosophy were successfully completed. Nearly 50 volumes of research material were published. Computerized semantic processing was developed. Average output of the Academy over the years was about 100 printed pages annually. Under Swami’s direction the Academy developed useful software pertaining to analysis of aspects of grammar, speech synthesis, language encoding, machine translation and lexicons, language learning packages, and metrical analysis. Software on the Sri Bhasya and Taraka Manjusha were also developed.
5. A Museum was set up housing rare ethnic and cultural artifacts, icons, coins, paintings etc. It was modest in size but excellent in content and it was a triumph for Swami. Swami was never satisfied and always worked to improve the Museum according to his world-class vision.
6. Apart from research work, under Swami’s direction the Academy’s other activities included three major workshops involving All-India participation, ten vidwat goshtis by major scholars, and numerous seminars were conducted. There were many teaching programs, and short-term courses too.
Visitors came from all parts of India and the World. They ranged from all walks of life, from ordinary folks to great scholars and famous yoga practitioners. The reputation of the Academy and its setting in a garden looking like an ancient hermitage presided over by a scholarly Acharya Purusha of inspiring personality and spiritual strength drew people from around the world. People came for many reasone and all felt deeply stirred in their soul and inspired with the great ambiance of the academy. People often found it difficult to put into words , but many left heartfelt noted of gratitude and awe at the wonderful work the Academy was doing. Swami is reluctant to take credit for these great accomplishments. He attributed it all to the spiritual presence of Acharya Raamaanuja and the blessings of his ancestors.
Swami fulfilled his revered Father’s dreams against impossible odds. His strength came from his own convictions, his moral courage, his foresight, and his faith in the just cause. At no stage did personal gain or any other selfish consideration clouded his vision. Being the heir to a tradition of the highest scholarship, intense devotion to God, selfless service, and spiritual emancipation of all, he fulfilled his great dharma flawlessly. Swami has done full justice to the Line of Acharya Purushas to which he belongs.
· Swami was responsible for converting the Melkote Municipality into a Gram Panchayat, thereby opening the way for a grant of Rs 1 lakh from the Minister of Municipal Administration for development of Melkote.
· As Member of the Managing Committee, Cheluvanarayana Temples, Swami got the Kalasha Pratisthapana done which was pending for more than a decade. Swami got all the Pushkaranis cleaned again after a lapse of 200 years. He also got the famous Kalyani Tank cleaned up.
· Again, he was responsible for getting the sanction for pukka repairs of the Nan-Muhan (Four Faced) Gopuram of Cheluvanarayan Swami Temple which was pending for several decades. This he did by personally approaching the then Home Secretary, Govt. of India.
· It was entirely due to Swami’s initiative, dynamic approach and personal prestige that Melkote got an electricity transformer sub-station installed, thereby radically improving Melkote’s hitherto very poor and erratic electric supply.
· Swami was responsible for getting many buildings constructed in Melkote such as the Vivekollasini Sabha (4400 sq.ft.), a Choultry etc.
· Swami was the first to propose a proper water-supply scheme for Melkote coming from Tondanur. This is under implementation currently.
· Swami actively organized and participated in the 600th Utsavams of Manvala Mamuni, Vedanta Desikar, and Pillai Lokacharya, which had been kept in abeyance due to the Tengalai-Vadagalai differences.
· As the Secretary, Swami was the driving force and brain behind the Centenary Celebrations of the Vivekollasini Sabha, Melkote which included a 5-Days grand Cultural Programme. Swami recalls the outstanding contributions of Smt Malati Singlachar and M.A. Yadugiri on that occasion.
· Swami made all out efforts to prevent Melkote from becoming commercialized and turned into a Tourist Centre. He strived utmost to develop Melkote as a ‘Jnana Mantapa’ without changing its time-honored ambience. It is doubtful if others could see as far and in as great a depth as Swami could with regard to the spiritual development of Melkote and its inhabitants.
Swami attained mastery over the main fields of traditional interest, namely, Vishistadvaita Ubhaya, Vedanta and Sanskrit. He was also an acknowledged expert in Linguistic Technology. His other interests were extraordinarily varied. He has attained a commendable degree of expertise in:
o Artificial Intelligence.
o Information Technology.
o Sanskrit & Science.
o Development of ‘Daivanams’ & ‘Rishi –Krishi-Paddhati’.
o Bio Farming, Floriculture & Horticulture.
o Animal Care & Husbandry.
Swami was the brain and driving force behind the following projects, which reflect his interests and central philosophy.
[1] Copper in Ancient India [2] Panancharatra Agama [3] Veterinary Science in Ancient IIndia [4] Concept of Cottage Industry in Ancient India [5] Concept of ‘Sudarshana’ [6] Ancient Bio-Farming Systems [7] Tools & Technology in Ancient India [8] Conservation & Digitisation of Manuscripts [9] Computational Rendering of Amarkosha [10] Food Preservation in Ancient India [11] Indian Cryptographic Systems [13] Meteorology in Ancient India [12] Strengthening the Academy’s Cultural Wing
Swami has been the Chief Investigator in other projects as follows:
[1] Indian Concept of Cosmology [2] ‘Ekdantavidya’ or Sanskrit Speech Synthesis [3] Critical Translation of ‘Sri Bhasya’ into Kannada [4] Iron & Steel in Ancient India [5] Critical Translation of ‘Thiruvayymozhi’ from Sanskrit to Hindi.
Swami was a voracious reader. He authored many publications. He has presented papers on key topics in the following fields:
Software Development
Under Swami’s guidance, more than 20 innovative and very useful software programs were prepared, mostly pertaining to Sanskrit & Linguistic Technology.
Swami has been conferred with the following:
· President of India’s Award for outstanding Scholarship and Contribution to Sanskrit.
· ‘Citizen of the Age of Enlightenment’ title by the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Academy of Science.
· ‘Raamaanuja Paduka Sevaka’ title by Sri Kumara Venkatachariar Sadhabhisekha Mahotsavam 2001, Sri Mudali Andaan Tirumaligai, Chennai.
Teaching & Academic Aspects
Lecturer & HOD Sanskrit, Govt. Arts & Science College, Chitradurga
for 3 ½ years.
· Lecturer in Sanskrit, Govt Arts & Science College, Bangalore for 1 year.
Part time lecturer in Ayurveda, Jayachamarajendra Ayurvedic College Bangalore.
· Asst. Prof. & Reader in Sanskrit, PG Dept of Sanskrit, Bangalore University for 10 years (1970 to 1980).
· Part time Prof. In MES College, Bangalore teaching PG Classes.
· Rendered free service teaching classes conducted by the Ubhaya Vedanta Pravartana Sabha.
· Member Doctoral Committee and also Academic Council of S. Vyasa, Jigani (A Deemed University).
· Member Board of Studies as well as Member D.Litt. Award Committee, PG Dept. of Vaishnavism, Madras University.
· Member Board of Examiners & Member Board of Studies of Gulbarga & Bangalore Universities.
· Member Board of Studies, Kuvempu University, Shimoga.
Sanskrit Research, Development, Propagation & Allied Aspects
Registrar Academy of Sanskrit Research (ASR) for sometime, later Director of the same Institution for 24 years (1980 to 2004).
· Founder Joint Secretary of ASR for 28 years.
· CEO, ASR Center for Technology Research, Bangalore.
· Member, Central Sanskrit Board, Govt. of India, New Delhi. Apex Body for Sanskrit.
· Senate Member, Rashtriya Samskruta Vidyapeeth, Tirupati, a Deemed University.
· Member Executive Committee, Rashtriya Samskruta, Sansthan, New delhi.
· Member Planning Commission, Language Cell (Sanskrit), New Delhi.
· Member, Committee for Implementation of Dictionary in Sanskrit on Historical Principles being prepared by the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Pune.
· Secretary, Sanskrit Association, Maharaja’s College, Mysore.
· Secretary Girvana Bhasha Abhivardini Sabha, Govt. Sanskrit College, Melkote.
· Active Member, Centenary Celebrations Committee, Govt. Sanskrit college, Melkote.
Religion, Philosophy & Cultural
· Secretary and later President of Vivekollasini Sabha, Melkote.
· President of Divya Kshetra Abhivardini Sabha, Melkote.
· Secretary, All India Ramanuja Mission.
· President Ramanuja Jeevadaya Sangha, Melkote.
· President Samskruti Foundation, Mysore.
· Member, Managing Committee Cheluvunarayana Temples, Melkote.
· Member, Implementation Committee for Dictionary of Indian culture, Indian Institute of Advanced studies, Shimla.
· Member Mandyam Srivaishnava Sabha, Bangalore.
· Member Rajgopuram Pratisthapana Samiti, Mandya.
· Member Alvar Divya Prabandam Project, TT Devasthanam. Tirupati.
· Member (Publications Cell), Dharma Prachar Parishad, TT Devasthnam, Tirupati.
· Member Supervisory committee, Digital Library of India Project, Carnegie Mellon University, USA.
· Member Committee for Revision of Karnataka Gazeteer.
· Member Language Cell, Technology Development for India Languages, Ministry of Information & Technology, New Delhi.
· Member IISKI Code Revision Committee, Min. of IT, new Delhi.
· Senior Hony. Advisor, Foundation for Revitalization of Local Health Traditions (FRLHT), Bangalore.
Prof. M.A. Lakshmithathacharya Swami has made a profound impact in many fields. As an Acharya Purusha he has inspired many Shisyas and Abhimanees to lead more productive lives emphasizing devotion to God and adherence to Sanatana Dharma. Thus he has provided both spiritual knowledge and direction to numerous people and enriched their lives. Armed with a brilliant education, he has donned the mantle of the Acharya Purusha with distinction. As a Sanskrit Scholar, he has raised this Language of the Gods to a new level of awareness in India and abroad, making so many outstanding contributions to this field. As a Linguist technologist, he has made many brilliant contributions whose ramifications will felt for many decades. As a Master of Ubhaya Vedanta, Bhagawad Vishayam and Vishistadvaita, he has not only fulfilled the traditional role admirably but also opened up new practical vistas in these three supremely rich spiritual fountains of knowledge and shown how the common man can benefit from them in this age.
He freely used technology to promote values that have stood the test of time. Extremely well read and erudite, he has excelled in many fields. His philosophy of compassion for all living beings, concern for the environment, the need to live and work in an equitable manner in accordance with the wisdom of our Ancient Rishis was the driving force behind all his actions.