Mysore Yoga Traditions began with a documentary film
If you are interested in the history and culture that Ashtanga Yoga has come from Mysore Yoga Traditions film will be a beautiful experience! You can listen to the elders, scholars, spiritual leaders, and even the Queen of Mysore telling the story of the yoga of Mysore. Making this film was the starting point for all that was to follow! To date it is the closest and most intimate look into the yoga community of Mysore available anywhere.
Mysore Yoga Traditions Philosophy Archive
Enjoy the recordings of all our work! You will find an amazing education in our Archive.
Have you ever wanted to connect with the roots of the yoga you practice? Our Mysore Philosophy Archive gives a unique perspective on the philosophy associated with Ashtanga Yoga and the many other styles of yoga practice which have been influenced by it. This is a compilation of our interviews and lectures with the Sanskrit community in Mysore. It is growing as we continue to conduct courses and lecture series on various subjects in yoga. Our archive has become a rich source of information. There is an extraordinary education in the historical, socio-political and cultural background of yoga to be found in this archive!
Experience the yoga culture of Mysore and absorb their wisdom. You can get an unbiased view of yoga as you experience not one but many great scholars speaking on different aspects of yoga ranging form the history of yoga in Mysore, to Ayurveda, Patanjali Sutras, Bhagavad Gita, and many other texts. Senior Sanskrit scholars, heads of organizations, spiritual leaders, and famous asana teachers from Mysore India speak about what yoga means to them and the philosophy that it rests upon.
The people of Mysore can tell the story best! They speak from the heart and their wisdom can help inspire you to take your yoga practice further and give you real perspective on the vast subject of yoga. As foreign yoga practitioners we are faced with many different opinions as to what is traditional and what isn’t, how old these practices are, where they came from etc. Many of those questions are answered here. By listening to not one but many different opinions, you can draw your own conclusions. This is the deepest and most intimate exposure to the yoga culture of Mysore available. Most serious yoga practitioners feel drawn to connect with a lineage or tradition that their yoga comes from. Learning philosophy form the Sanskrit community in Mysore can help create that feeling of connection, especially for those who practice Ashtanga Yoga. The money earned from Mysore Yoga Traditions Archive goes towards further research, efforts to make more information available to the international yoga community, and efforts to bring recognition to the great scholars of Mysore.